Transitional Kindergarten
Who qualifies for Transitional Kindergarten?
-Children who are 5 by September 1st and parents are choosing not to send them to Kindergarten
-Children who are 5 by December 1st, based on Directors discretion
-A child who the director qualifies to attend based on maturity and cognitive ability
TK is an exciting bridge for those students who do not meet the FISD cutoff or who need the gift of time. The extra year allows them to grow physically, socially and academically before entering the traditional school system. We lovingly nurture their confidence through this important transition.
TK students participate in a variety of weekly activities to improve their confidence, academic and social skills. A variety of the activities are phonics, reading, math, STEAM, problem solving, fine motor activities, Learning Without Tears, and teacher guided small groups.
The Learning Without Tears program is endorsed by the Texas Education Agency and used in the local ISD’s, and ensures children will be ready for their academic journey.
Our curriculum closely models FISD Kindergarten expectations and goals. Kidz World Preschool follows the requirements outlined by Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), through the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
Combining the best of Academic and Play Based Programs
Many of the activities the students participate in they think is just play, but we know that combining the best parts of Academic and Play Based Learning increases a child’s success in learning.
Children are exploring, taking risks, engaging their imagination, and solving problems. Student activities include art projects, creative play, books, songs, Learning Without Tears, Science experiments, and interaction with teachers and other children.
They are learning valuable skills that support social, physical and cognitive development. Preparing them for developmentally appropriate activities and giving them the confidence to try new things and to learn more!
Reading Readiness
Math Readiness
Problem Solving
Fine Motor
Learning Centers
Science Experiments
Bible & Worship
Arts & Crafts
Music & Movement
Snack & Lunch
Art Enrichment
D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read)
Literacy and Reading
Reading, reading, reading (with playful pointers) is a priority here. Each child is assessed for reading levels and early readers are born and grown! Watch the gears turn as their critical thinking skills improve. Kidz World Preschool plants a joyful pride as we teach phonics and sight words. Writing takes practice and we do practice!
Our excellent staff integrates Math concepts into every theme with hands-on learning making math fun and challenging. Using manipulatives, everyday items, and so much more.
Hands on Science projects are an exciting part of each week as students learn to conduct experiments, deduce, question and reason.
From biology, chemistry, physics and natural history, you’ll discover some incredible secrets, awesome theories and explore some amazing experiments in our super science for kids.
We love Art! Art history, creative art and manipulative art. Through the study of famous artists such as Van Gogh and Monet, the children learn different techniques using various mediums while learning to follow multistep instructions. We hear from our graduates years later, that the art enrichment center was one of their favorite parts of TK.
Motor Skills
Students practice fine motor skills with games, chop sticks, tweezers and eye lash curlers. These are just some sneaky ways to strengthen their hands and fingers in preparation for writing.
Large Motor play helps children learn how to control, coordinate body movements and help improve hand/eye coordination.
Learning responsibility and a motivating pride helps them keep track of their own belongings and complete big-kid homework as they prepare for Kindergarten the next year.
Independence is encouraged, and you can capitalize on that at home as they take care of themselves, their friends and their school. We teach them to treat themselves and others righteously and respectfully.
We even build their confidence and excitement for elementary school with carpool and lunch-line practice towards the end of the year.
The Bible A-Z and Chapel
PreK and TK students build their own A-Z Bible Story book filled with God’s Word and create crafts. It’s wonderful to see the children as they realize that God has plans for them and trust that they can always talk to Him. Most students funnel into a traditional school so their spiritual education here is a true priority. Kidz World wants your graduate to know Jesus, and understand God made them and their families.
Our entrance has an electronic access system that only staff can access. Kidz World Preschool, LLC safety protocols can be discussed during tours.
Fire, Bad Weather and Safety Drills are practiced on a regular basis with all enrolled students.